Friday, February 14, 2014

Brigette's Story

"Change your mind, Change your body."

Most days when you walk into EF, the first thing you see is the Brigette's smiling face. A team member at Energy for the last twelve years, she has helped given countless tours and answered a plethora of questions.

The weirdest question she's ever been asked? "Probably when people ask me if [Strive equipment area] is a special VIP section of EF," she says with a laugh. Sitting down on a Thursday afternoon talking about the tours she's given, Brigette loves to help people achieve their goals.

"To see them change and help motivate them. That's where my passion for fitness lies. When new members come in, I sometimes see despair on their faces. But to help them see the potential in themselves, complimenting them as they're achieving their fitness goals. It's rewarding."

A native of Ironton, Ohio, Brigette relocated to Paducah when her husband was offered a position. Since moving, her family grew to include two daughters, the older currently attending college at Vanderbilt, and the younger at Paducah-Tilghman.

When not working the front desk at EF, Brigette likes to spend her free time back here, working out with her husband. The weekends are spent catching up on their favorite TV shows.
Her current favorites this season? "The Blacklist [NBC, Monday 9pm] and "Grimm" [NBC Friday 8pm].

Workouts? Brigette would say it is a love/hate relationship with the Stepmill, but she really prefers interval workouts. Fast paced, variety of moves and over time, "Can't breath, can't move drenched in sweat I made it through and by golly I am still alive and it did not take all day."

Her protein shake:
1/2 cup dry-blended rolled oats
6oz unsweet almond milk
1 1/2 scoops protein
3 large strawberries
OPTIONAL addition: chia seed, flax seed, avocado, coconut oil, peanut butter, wheatgrass, blueberries, spirulina, moringa, mango, organic honey

Her fitness/nutrition advice? Be consistent, especially with meals. Getting in the meals, she says, can be difficult while manning the front desk. Another tip? "Take baby steps, but realize that you're going to fall. And when you fall, remember how important it is to get back up. And remember to find the balance of consistency. It sounds easy."

"Be consistent and it'll be okay." - Brigette Davis

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