Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ronda's Story, Part Three...

The final step of a journey…

Okay. Not really the FINAL step of the journey, but the final days of this spring’s 21-Day Transformation at Energy Fitness.

21 Days Later, Ronda Gibson got measured and weighed in to see how much she had transformed…

[Drum Roll…..]

“I lost 5 pounds and 6 1/2 inches! I knew I had lost as I went down a pant size!” Gibson said. She also said that this was about half of the amazing results she got last fall when she did Round 1 of the 21-Day Transformation. When she did the last challenge, she was full-steam on board, meticulously tracking every carb and calorie she took in.

Jeffrey Vinson, if you are reading this blog, please skip this paragraph. “I didn’t write down a thing. Instead, I took a more rational approach with my diet and made some subtle changes that I think I can actually sustain,” Gibson said with a laugh.

All in all, she feels pretty awesome about the conclusion, even though there wasn’t a major weight loss or massively diminishing inches.

When she started her journey, there were classes and routines she never even tried before, like Spinning and the boxing circuit. After completing the challenge, she said she’s going to keep doing them! “When I looked at the special offerings for May, it was hard not to sign up for all of them! I asked my trainer Dustin for advice and he encouraged me to pursue the Hot Mojo Yoga class to continue to enhance my flexibility, balance and coordination.”

Big fitness advice? “I find it’s helpful to switch up your routine every few weeks. Plus, there’s always plenty to choose from at Energy Fitness.”

Her 21-day fitness challenge is over, but her fitness journey is far from over. So when the next round of the 21-Day Transformation is here, you better believe you’ll see Ronda back at it again.

“The 21-Day Transformation WILL change your body if you follow the guidelines. Though really intense, they’re pretty doable.” – Ronda Gibson, Energy Fitness Member and 21-day ‘Graduate’


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