Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ronda's Story, Part 2...

“One thing I’ve learned over the years is that the scales don’t indicate health.” – Ronda Gibson

 Ronda’s 2/3 of the way through her 21-day Transformation and she’s already sad it’s almost over. She’s also noticed changes, and it’s not just on the scale. She’s noticed that there’s a deficit of only a few pounds, but the big change she noticed [And she gave the writer permission to tell this story] is when she was shaving her legs and her calves had changed. “I actually have some muscle definition!”

When asked what she enjoys most about the program, she laughs and said she doesn’t “dread” going to any session. Her two favorites though: Spin and the Boxing Circuit. She said that both leave you with a sweat and reaching for that water bottle, and they’re fun.

“Is it weird that for Mother’s Day I’m hoping for a heavy bag and some gloves?”

When we go through transformations, we learn a lot about ourselves. Ronda’s biggest realization so far is that she can’t dive head first into an activity or on a machine and expect that she’s going to perform like a peer or an instructor or “some 20-year-old I saw the week before.”

The 21-day Transformation is almost over, and the time will come to place what you’ve learned and how to apply it to your life after the program.

We’ve got one more check-in with Ronda later on to see how she feels she’s done in the program.

Another great piece of advice from Ronda: “It doesn’t matter if you’re the fastest or the strongest because you don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself.”

Thursday, April 17, 2014

21-Day Transformation

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

 It’s time to start thinking about the stuff that scares us, and I’m not talking about Halloween, which is still 6 months away. I’m talking about change, which can be a very scary thing. But to some, like Ronda Gibson, change helps you feel better.

Ronda, who is dealing with the change of a new career, signed up in September to do the first round of the 21-Day Transformation. Laughing, she said she had fun with it and she got good results, so the second time to sign up wasn’t a tough decision. Another thing she enjoyed about the 21-Day Transformation is the challenge. And according to Ronda, it doesn’t matter what your fitness level is. You’ll be challenged whether you signed up two weeks ago, or you’ve been working out for years.

“In September, I was one of the last people to register. For this one, I was 10th out of 60 participants” Ronda said. A lifelong resident of western Kentucky, Ronda lives in Kevil with her husband and 8-year-old son. When asked about what brought her to join Energy Fitness, she said that she enjoyed what she saw and that EF had Kids Energy Zones, so she can have someone look after her son while she works out.

Before signing up for the Transformation, a typical week of workouts involve three days of doing workouts lined up by her trainer, Dustin. She does three days of Dustin’s workouts, then her other three days she’s on her own.

Work with a trainer, Ronda says their knowledge is key to helping you reach your goals. “There’s a lot of equipment that they will help you figure out. I want to know what each machine here does.”

In Ronda’s nutritional world, her go-to snack has always been peanut butter. But recently, she’s been researching and learning about the Paleo diet, and trying to see how she can implement it in her daily routine.

And back to the 21-Day Transformation…

Stay tuned because over the next few weeks, we will be following Ronda’s road to success on her 21-Day Transformation.