Monday, July 14, 2014

Carrie's Story

 Carrie Harshman understands what it means to live a healthy lifestyle.

A lifelong Paducah native and relatively new Energy Fitness member, Carrie decided last year she needed to change.

“I was on vacation with my family in Gatlinburg, and was told that I was too big to ride one of the roller coasters. I couldn’t go up a flight of stairs without breathing heavily. It was scary,” Carrie said of her motivation to get healthy.

So in August of 2013, she joined Energy Fitness and started working with Dustin, and he has kept her motivated. “You will be surprised how fast the pounds drop when someone [like Dustin] keeps you motivated.” She also says that Dustin is always very helpful with workout tips, routines, and advice.

Besides being motivated by Dustin, Carrie is also motivated to stay healthy. To her, it’s not about getting ‘skinny.’ It’s about getting healthy. “Even skinny people can be unhealthy.”

Something else that keeps Carrie motivated is her side gig as a health and weightloss coach through Live the Lifestyle. LtL, as it’s commonly called, is a program to help dieting with personal healthy coaches, like Carrie, to develop healthy habits and not just lose weight, but keep it off. [Previous statement taken from LtL’s website.]

Carrie, a stay at home mother of two, enjoys reading in her spare time and her favorite book is Wicked by Gregory Maguire. She says she hopes to see the Broadway Musical of the book.

Carrie’s current workout routine includes trying to attend kickboxing, Insanity, and weight-training 3-4 days a week; and cardio and elliptical training 5 days. Her routine usually brings her to EF at night, because her son is enrolled in the martial arts academy.

Besides the workouts, healthy eating has become a big part of Carrie’s lifestyle and helped her lose 98 pounds since last summer. Her favorite go-to snack: Carrots and Hummus. She also says she can make some “killer” turkey tacos.

When asked what would be the best advice to give to someone considering Energy Fitness?
“Sign up for the year at Energy Fitness and get with a personal trainer. It’s 100% worth it!”